We are planning to supply Free GuestBook and None-free GuestBook Service. Currently
we only supply Free GuestBook Service. To keep the best performance,
we supply TEN free guestbooks at the beginning. The Terms and Conditions
for Free GuestBook Service are as follows:
The size of each guestbook is limited to 200KB(may contains
up to 400 messages)
The guestbook which doesn't have new message posted within TWO
months will be suspended, the owner of the guestbook may request
to download data after the guestbook suspended
The guestbook will be deleted after TWO monthes suspending,
all guestbook data will not be recoverable
To help user to integrate the guestbook into their own website,
each GuestBook has its own customizable configurations. Adjustable configurations include:
If you have any question while using our guestbook,
you can look for Frequent Asked Questions, or you can leave
a message to our support. Our technical support will contact as
soon as possible.